An interview with Lilian Sijbesma, the director of "Under the Naked Sky", interviewer Kseniia Buzhbetska
“I as a filmmaker and as a person am really interested in how you were formed in your Youth and how we all get out of that as a different person” - Lilian Sijbesma
""Under the Naked Sky"" is Lilian's debut feature film as a writer and director. Already the first version of the script Under the Barren Sky” won the best Dutch script prize in the Netherlands and Belgium (Visser-Neerlandia Award). It was filmed during the coronavirus, meaning the crew could not go home during the whole filming period. Luckily the fresh air, forest, and nature helped them get through the tough times.
In ""Under the Naked Sky"" we follow ten-year-old Elvie, who lives with her mother on a camping site, run by her grandfather. Elvie's mother is mentally impaired, having the mind and manners of a four-year-old.
PÖFF TV is brought to you by Elisa Eesti, Co-funded by the European Union and the Ruum:um studio.