"I want to confess, I am actually not a professional film director, For more than 40 years I have worked in psychoneurological retreat, but it doesn’t stop me from making films and writing books. It actually even helps me.” - Olexandr Zhovna (direct translation)
Sometimes life goes against our wish - the opening sentence of the trailer explains (or rather justifies?) what is happening on screen: the parents have an unwanted child, the boy does not want to be a girl, you want to die, but you still survive... The story of a murder that shook society several decades ago, turns into a film about a person, whose sad fate stems from his childhood traumas.
The director, screenwriter and producer of the film is the same person - Olexandr Zhovna, or as he is also called "writer of the otherworld": his works - both films, stories and tales - talk about borderline states, strange incidents, unrecognizable states of the psyche, intellect and of the physical state. His new film is also about all of the above.
Translation by Ann Miller