PÖFF TV Studio


    Meet Mark Adams, Head of the Official Competition Jury

    What is key for a good film and where is the best place to be a judge? The answer can be found in this interview with Mark Adams!

    Meet actors Natalia Ryumina and Sebastian Anton from "Anton"

    The actors of the film "Anton" talk about the collaboration with the director Zaza Urushadze and what were the difficulties while filming.

    Meet Nora Martirosyan, the director of "Should the Wind Drop"

    What country is the Republic of the Caucasus and what inspired her to make a film about this? Let's find out from the intervew with Nora Martirosyan!

    Meet Vitaly Mansky, the director of "Gorbachev. Heaven"

    Why did he decide to make a film about Gorbachev? What was the meaning behind all of this? Get the answers from the director of this film!