PÖFF TV Studio


    Meet Markus Köcher, Goethe institute culture programme coordinator

    To know more about Goethe Institute and PÖFF collaboration and German cinema scene, see the interview with Markus Köcher.

    Meet Jürgen Rahula, program manager of Apollo Kino

    Is it safe in the cinemas? What intersting films might we see? All of this and more will be answered by Jürgen Rahula.

    Meet Giedrė Žickytė, the director of "The Jump"

    Film "The Jump" tells the story based on real events. Let's find out the story behind this and other insights to filming process!

    Meet Boris Baum, the director of "Bula"

    Take a look behind the scenes with the director of "Bula".

    Meet Marian Võsumets, the director of "The Body Fights Back"

    Marian Võsumets, the director of "The Body Fights Back" tells us about the inspiration behind this film and opens the world behind doing documentaries.

    Meet Nora Martirosyan, the director of "Should the Wind Drop"

    What country is the Republic of the Caucasus and what inspired her to make a film about this? Let's find out from the intervew with Nora Martirosyan!